Network News: October 2008
Global Leaders Called on to Accelerate Action to Improve Children's Health & Education
Save the Children’s CEO Charlie MacCormack spoke recently at a United Nations World Summit and called on global leaders to accelerate the pace of action to reach millions of children still dying needlessly and millions more still missing out on school. Save the Children recommended three steps that global leaders should take to get the world back on track toward meeting health and education goals by 2015, including increasing resources for education in fragile states; designing health care programs to better target the poorest and most marginalized mothers and children; and establishing policies that prioritize education in humanitarian emergencies. Read more about Save the Children's efforts at the United Nations World Summit. |
Protecting Children in Emergencies
New National Commission on Children and Disasters Gets to Work. Mark Shriver, Vice President and Managing Director of Save the Children's U.S. Programs, this week convened the first meeting of the National Commission on Children and Disasters, a bi-partisan panel appointed by the President and Congressional leaders. Over a period of two years, the Commission will examine and assess the needs of children independently, and in relation to the preparation, response and recovery from all emergencies, hazards and disasters. Following its investigation, the Commission will issue a final report, complete with findings and recommendations, to the President and Congress, but Shriver vowed to speed up the timeline. Learn more about the Commission and Save the Children's work in emergencies.
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