Help Save the Children win $200,000 with just ONE VOTE A WEEK!
Your vote can help Save the Children receive $200,000 through the American Express TakePart project. But we are competing with 50 other organizations – so your vote is vital!
Between May 31-August 22, visit and vote every week for Save the Children. You can find us in the Community Development category. Winning charities will be determined entirely by the number of votes. If we win, we can do more for girls and boys worldwide in need.
SPREAD THE WORD: Ask your friends and family to vote for Save the Children's project. Use Facebook, Twitter and email to encourage everyone you know to vote and keep voting for Save the Children.
Sponsor a Child Today
*Sponsorship contributions are not given directly to a sponsored child. Instead, sponsorship contributions are combined in order to better support programs for all of the children in the community.