Saturday, March 15, 2008

Astronauts Enter JLP, Prepare for Spacewalk

Astronauts Enter JLP, Prepare for Spacewalk

Japanese Logistics Module Image above: Japanese astronaut Takao Doi remarks on the opening of the the Japanese Logistics Module. Expedition 16 Commander Peggy Whitson is at right. Credit: NASA TV

The STS-123 and Expedition 16 crews spent time outfitting the Japanese Logistics Module - Pressurized Section (JLP), transferring supplies and equipment into it from space shuttle Endeavour. Marking the beginning of Japan’s scientific work aboard the station, Expedition 16 Commander Peggy Whitson and Japanese astronaut Takao Doi were the first to enter the new module.

The JLP is the first component of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s Kibo laboratory.

Operating Canadarm2, the station’s robot arm, Mission Specialists Robert Behnken and Léopold Eyharts grabbed the shuttle’s boom sensor and handed it off to Endeavour’s robot arm in preparation for stowage on the station’s S1 truss later in the mission.

The station’s arm operators grappled the Canadian-built Dextre Friday at 9:59 p.m. EDT. Canadarm2 successfully powered up Dextre 11 minutes later.

When Dextre was removed from Endeavour’s cargo bay after the shuttle docked to the station, ground teams ran into problems routing power to the pallet on which the robot is being assembled. The teams tried troubleshooting the problem with a software patch early Friday morning, but were not successful.

STS-123 Mission Specialists Rick Linnehan and Mike Foreman are spending the night in the station’s Quest Airlock in preparation for the second spacewalk of the mission, which begins Saturday. The purpose of this “camp out” is to purge the nitrogen from their bodies before their planned exit Saturday at 8:23 p.m. Linnehan and Expedition 16 Flight Engineer Garrett Reisman completed the mission’s first spacewalk early Friday morning.

Media Resources
› STS-123 Execute Packages
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› STS-123 Press Kit (4.4 Mb PDF)
› STS-123 Fact Sheet (433 Kb PDF)

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Draft Space Shuttle Program Programmatic Environmental Assessment
A report posted on Feb. 25, 2008 to address the potential environmental impacts associated with the transition and retirement of the Space Shuttle Program.

Raila on fence mending mission

Raila on fence mending mission
Prime Minister-designate Mr Raila Odinga agreed the Government’s planned sale of 25 per cent stake in Safaricom should proceed on a day he separately met with Finance Minister, Mr Amos Kimunya and President Kibaki's son, Mr Jimmy Kibaki. full story

300 SLDF suspects arrested in Mt Elgon operation

Three hundred Sabaot Land Defence Force (SLDF) suspects have been arrested in the security operation in Mt Elgon. Also recovered in the ongoing “Okoa Maisha” operation were 14 guns, 93 assorted military and police uniforms and 284 machetes. full story

Safaricom shares to cost Sh5
With as little as Sh10,000, Kenyans would acquire a stake in the region’s most profitable company, Safaricom Ltd. full story

Review committees gazetted
President Kibaki has gazetted the Independent Review Committee to investigate all aspects of the December 27 General Election and directed the commissioners to start work immediately. full story

Prime minister-designate Mr Raila Odinga with Mr Jimmy Kibaki at the Pentagon House, Nairobi, on Friday.

Crime rate up with cheap telephony

A vendor selling sim packs on the roadside near the Old Taxi Park

IN Kampala it is easier to buy a mobile phone sim card than to buy chocolate. Sim cards are sold everywhere, even on streets and in taxi parks, and they cost as little as sh1,500, the price of a pineapple. On Thursday, a Saturday Vision reporter was able to buy sim cards from street vendors, alongside other vendors of items such socks, hankies, underwear and roasted coffee beans. More...

Buying sim card as easy as buying sweets

SATURDAY Vision in a mini-survey combed the streets to prove the un-tampered free-flowing dangerous trade of these SIM cards from all the telecommunication companies. Unlike the companies’ claims that they register all their customers, none of the numbers that were bought in the survey got registered. More...

Proffesional Undertakers


‘Tribalism is backward’ - Museveni

TRIBALISM, regionalism and other forms of sectarianism portray a backward pre-industrial society, the President has said. According to a State House statement, Museveni said if tribalism or regionalism was a basis for unity, Somalis, who profess the same religion and speak the same language, would not have had the decade-long political crisis. More...

Gadaffi to hold prayers at Nakivubo

LIBYAN president Col. Muammar Gadaffi arrives in Uganda this weekend for the official opening of the new mosque at Old Kampala, scheduled for March 19. More...


Brain-drain is sign of things gone wrong

BRAIN-drain has been on our minds in the last few weeks. Brain-drain, describes the movement of specialised professionals away from their home countries in search for greener pastures, to practice their trade in countries where they will often be better remunerated. More...

URA battles cargo pile-up at Malaba post

AN all-time high cargo backlog has hit the Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) officials at the Malaba border in Kenya. The officials now work up to mid-night to clear transit goods since normalcy returned to Kenya following the post-election violence.

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BoT yajivua EPA

HABARI Dude: ‘Tapeli’ wa Bongo Dar es Slaam anayechachafya watu ::: Dk. Edmund Mndolwa afichua siri ya Umitashumta ::: Stiko; muziki umemtoa kwenye ufukara ::: NSSF badilisheni kanuni za michuano yenu ::: TFF achaneni na uwanja, andaeni timu ::: ‘Jitokezeni kuwania Tuzo ya Vinara’ ::: Warsha ya ubunifu kesho ::: Project Fame kuingia kambini keshokutwa ::: TMK kuonyesha makali Rwanda, Burundi ::: Utani wa jadi usiwe sababu ya kutishiana maisha ::: msipambe Ligi Kuu kwa rushwa TFF ::: Mahakama yavunja ndoa ya Sheikh Mkuu Mtwara ::: Jaka Mwambi aapishwa Balozi mpya wa Tanzania Urusi ::: Mwanasheria wa Italia atoa ushahidi kesi ya Mahalu ::: Wanafunzi walalamikia mfumo wa kujiunga shule ya Sheria ::: Chama chaaswa kutafakari wanafunzi kushindwa hisabati ::: ‘Ofisi ya Mkaguzi Mkuu haikuwa na uwezo kukagua ubadhirifu EPA’ ::: Askari 650 wa Tanzania vitani Comoro ::: BoT yajivua EPA ::: BoT yajivua EPA ::: Kalenda ya Kichina inayowakilishwa na wanyama ::: Kabila lisilobadilika kiutamaduni tangu kale ::: Hakuna Mbunge mwenye haki miliki na jimbo ::: Tatizo la ukosefu wa maji shuleni likomeshwe ::: Wasanii kumuenzi Chibalonza ::: KKKT Moshi wavu yajitoa Kombe la Muungano ::: Mweka hazina kikundi cha mpango wa kilimo auawa ::: Mtaalamu wa Kiswahili Akida afariki dunia ::: ‘Mabaraza ya Wafanyakazi yatumike kuongeza tija’ ::: Community Airlines kuanza tena kutoa huduma :::

Jumamosi Mar 15, 2008
Licha ya kuwa taifa linaadhimisha wiki ya maji lakini bado baadhi ya wananchi hawapati maji safi na salama, pichani ni mkazi wa kijiji cha Goba Wilaya ya Kinondoni jijini Dar es Salaam, Asma Ali akichota maji katika moja ya visima vilivyopo kijijini hapo jana kwa matumizi ya nyumbani.
BoT yajivua EPA
GAVANA wa Benki Kuu (BoT), Profesa Benno Ndulu, amesema benki hiyo kwa sasa inataka kuachana na majukumu ambayo haikupewa

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Uganda performs six heart surgeries

Uganda performs six heart surgeries

Agyin and Eduard Khandazhapov check Aziz Ssegujja after a heart operation at the International Hospital Kampala

LOOKING at the little Aziz Abdulla Ssegujja on oxygen in the intensive care unit at the International Hospital Kampala, there was no doubt that he had just undergone a life changing heart operation. As he lay on his back with a blank expression, the surgeons kept watch. More...

Stop rebellions, Museveni tells Great Lakes

State minister for defence Ruth Nankabirwa, defence ministers Yusuf Hajji (Kenya), Crispus Kiyonga (Uganda), Ougauneth Kifleh (Djibouti) and Museveni exchange greetings

COUNTRIES of the Great Lakes region must not support rebels against each other, terrorism or the smuggling of weapons, President Yoweri Museveni warned yesterday at the opening of the third extra-ordinary meeting of eastern African defence and security ministers in Kampala. More...

Pakistani was killed by worker - Police

THE Pakistani manager of a car import company, Qaisar Iqbar, was murdered by three men led by his employee, the Police said yesterday. They suspect that the murder was a result of a bad business deal. More...

Today's Column

Who is Muthaura to meddle in Kenya’s political matters?

MONDAY afternoon this week came as a shock to many Kenyans. Francis Muthaura, the head of the Civil Service had a new government structure that he thought Kenyans should know about. More...

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Poll fiasco: Commission of inquiry set up

PNU legislators warm up to Raila
Party of National Unity (PNU) hardliners, some of them President Kibaki’s most astute defenders, appear to be warming up to Mr Raila Odinga, the Prime minister-designate. full story

Poll fiasco: Commission of inquiry set up

President Kibaki last night appointed the Commission of Inquiry that will probe all aspects of last year’s General Election. full story

Kimunya to announce Safaricom IPO date
Investors will today know when the much-awaited Safaricom Initial Public Offer will take place. full story

Agony as PSVs are banned from city
Anger, frustration and a massive traffic snarl up characterised the relocation of public transport vehicles to the new Muthurwa bus terminus in Nairobi. full story

Hundreds of residents from Eastlands push through the single exit in the new Muthurwa market as they walk to Nairobi city centre after matatus (public taxis) were blocked from entering the Central Business District on Thursday.

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Strike ends as rail company grants 65 pc salary inrease

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HABARI Kalenda ya Kichina inayowakilishwa na wanyama ::: Kabila lisilobadilika kiutamaduni tangu kale ::: Hakuna Mbunge mwenye haki miliki na jimbo ::: Tatizo la ukosefu wa maji shuleni likomeshwe ::: Wasanii kumuenzi Chibalonza ::: KKKT Moshi wavu yajitoa Kombe la Muungano ::: Mweka hazina kikundi cha mpango wa kilimo auawa ::: Mtaalamu wa Kiswahili Akida afariki dunia ::: ‘Mabaraza ya Wafanyakazi yatumike kuongeza tija’ ::: Community Airlines kuanza tena kutoa huduma ::: Wizara yahamasisha uendeshaji bora ::: Makamishna Tume ya Haki za Binadamu wamaliza muda wao ::: Jamii yaaswa kujitokeza katika uandikaji wosia ::: Afa kwa kujinyonga Dar ::: ‘Vituo vingi vya afya vinatoa huduma za uzazi wa mpango’ ::: Mwanafunzi asakwa kwa kumpa mimba mwenzake ::: Rwanda, Burundi kujiunga Baraza la Vyuo Vikuu ::: Wachezaji Yanga watishiwa maisha ::: Bondia ‘aliyejilipua’ awekwa kiti moto ::: Aukwaa ubingwa wa Gofu Fiddle ::: FM Academia kuzindua albam Juni ::: Makamba amsuta Meya ::: Kimbunga Dar chaezua nyumba 115 ::: Mgomo Reli wazimwa ::: SHELI Jina la kituo cha mafuta linalowapumbaza hata wasomi ::: Machozi na damu watokayo vijana wanaopanda Mlima Kilimanjaro ::: Mitihani darasa la nne inakomoa wanafunzi badala ya kuwapima ::: Kamati yaundwa kukabiliana na mimea yenye vinasaba ::: Busara itumike kutatua mgogoro wa TRL ::: TFF yasaidia waandishi wa sanaa :::

Ijumaa Mar 14, 2008
Mwalimu Mkuu wa Shule ya Msingi Nzasa A, Kahabi Mabeyo (kushoto) akiwaonyesha waandishi wa habari wa gazeti hili jana moja ya madarasa manne yaliyoezukliwa na upepo na kusababaisha wanafunzi kukosa mahala pa kusomea.
Mgomo Reli wazimwa
UONGOZI wa Kampuni ya Reli Tanzania (TRL) na Chama cha Wafanyakazi (TRAWU), jana walisaini mkataba wa makubaliano ya kumaliza

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Wafanyakazi TRL wakubali 160k

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

MPs fast track Bills as leaflets cause stir

MPs fast track Bills as leaflets cause stir
Members of Parliament unanimously agreed to fast track the power sharing deal even as a mysterious document that pointed to a conspiracy to undermine debate shockingly found its way into the august House. full story

Kibaki tells displaced people to go back home

President Kibaki has asked people displaced by post-election violence to return to their homes. He said the violence that rocked the country was a thing of the past. full story

CMA must sort out this mess once and for all
Financial markets, of which the capital markets are a key component, thrive on confidence and perceived fairness. full story

Kenyans abroad remitted Sh3.5b in January
Remittance by Kenyans in Diaspora stood at Sh3.5 billion ($53,925) in January. The amount was the highest to have been remitted over the same period since 2004. full story

Government Chief Whip, Mr George Thuo, apologized to MPs over anonymous leaflet secretly planted in MPs’ pigeonholes, which seemed to suggest a conspiracy to undermine debate.

Toka Uganda

Museveni calls for Afro-Arab equality

Museveni (centre) waves to the delegates on arrival at the conference at Munyonyo. Right is gender minister Syda Bbumba

AFRICANS are equal to Arabs and no race should feel superior, President Yoweri Museveni has said. Opening the second Afro-Arab youth festival at the Speke Resort Munyonyo, Museveni added that chauvinism should be aggressively combated because it is diversionary. More...

Mengo blasts Tinyefuza over land talk

BUGANDA Kingdom officials have reacted angrily to remarks made by Gen. David Tinyefuza on land.
Mengo state minister for information, said the Tinyefunza should be court martial for the rant. More...

Gen. Kazini agrees to settle assault case

FORMER army commander Maj. Gen. James Kazini has agreed to settle out of court an assault case against Dr. Robert Kagoda. Early this month, Kagoda filed a case against Kazini over assaulting him.
Kazini hit Kagoda after suspecting that he was having an affair with his second wife, Winnie, a neighbour to the doctor in Buziga, Kampala. More...

Jobless mother wins Vision Voice’s sh2m

Amoile at the Vision Voice offices

CAROLINE Amoile is unemployed and has been praying for a miracle. The 29-year-old mother of one daughter had her prayers answered yesterday when she won the sh2m cash prize for the fourth and fifth week in the ongoing Vision Eye promotion. More...


Kony should seize the opportunity

PRESIDENT Yoweri Museveni has said that LRA chief Joseph Kony can escape prosecution by the International Criminal Court (ICC) if he signs the comprehensive peace agreement. Museveni’s good gesture is an opportunity Kony and his top commanders, wanted by ICC for crimes against humanity, should not miss. More...

Taking you to greater heights


Another 600 servicemen hired for Iraq

ASKAR Security Services is recruiting 600 Ugandans to work as security specialists in Iraq. The managing director, Kellen Kayonga, yesterday said the firm would recruit former servicemen from the army, Police, Prisons and the local defence unit. More...

Diarrhoea kills six in Kalangala

AT least six people have died in Lake Victoria’s Kitobo landing site in Kalangala and several admitted following a diarrhoea outbreak. More...

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