Bidandi Ssali supports Museveni on succession
People’s Progressive Party president, has applauded President Yoweri Museveni’s statement that he would not groom a successor. More...
MPs approve sh17b loan
PARLIAMENT on Thursday approved a $10m (about sh17b) government loan from the China Export Import Bank for procuring KCC road and sanitation equipment. More...
To take or not to take mortgage?
Today's Column
The lion and the lamb together
And as it was prophesied so it happened: the lion and the lamb lay together. And behold, it was very good. Which the Lion, and which the Lamb? By this roundabout route I come to who will be Obama’s running mate in the US presidential race! More...
Test imported drugs
Two years ago, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued guidelines for new treatments against malaria because the existing drugs were becoming ineffective in curing the disease. More...